Strange Interlude by Eugene O’Neill (at The National Theatre)…may have been my favorite thing of all. The play made a big impression on me when I read it– in 1979 (ha)– as part of survey course on O’Neill… I’ve always loved it but it sure seemed impossible. It’s not! It’s hysterically funny, seems O’Neill must have meant for it to be so… and moving, powerful, full of brutal, cut-to-the-quick lines. It was magnificently acted, only that way could it have worked so well.
Chimerica by Lucy Kirkwood (at the Harold Pinter Theatre) needs a good deal of rumination. Not as beautifully acted across the board, but this Chinese actor was amazing, and the play surprised, and got at our complicated relationship with that country, posited things that,as I say, I’ll think about it for some time. Amazing set, too…
Such a nice time with our friend and former Q Board Member, Hilary Robinson. Her town, St. Albans, is beautiful! Here are some more photos from the trip!