Amazing things at the Fringe! We saw a dance performance by a Russian woman named Olga Kosterina, piece called Dilemma… There was room for maybe 50 people. I have to say she was the most amazingly elegant, precise, acrobatic dancer I’ve ever seen in my life. It won ‘Best Choreography’ at the Rome Theatre Festival in 2012… One of those things you stumble onto and can’t believe it.
Also Jethro Compton’s The Bunker Trilogy… 3 1 hr shows, we saw Macbeth (others were Agamemnon and Morgana). We were in a room maybe 20′ x 30′ with 50 people packed on wooden benches on all 4 sides– meant to resemble a low-ceiling WWII bunker– it did. Four actors performed a shortened Macbeth. UNBELIEVABLY GOOD. Side note: it was probably 100 degrees in there. Ana said she was too hot to concentrate and couldn’t follow the plot for what they’d cut. But for someone who knows the play, it was remarkable, fantastic.
Off to see Peter Doig at the National Gallery and Beckett tonight and tomorrow!