King Lear
By William Shakespeare
Edited by James Kincaid and Julian Markels
Directed by Risher Reddick
Edited by James Kincaid and Julian Markels
Directed by Risher Reddick
King Lear continues Quantum’s long tradition of reimagining classics in never-before-seen ways, staging Shakespeare’s greatest tragedy amidst the majesty of the Carrie Blast Furnaces and highlighting Pittsburgh’s history as an industrial giant. The vastness and intimacy of this story of grief, loss, and family values gone awry come into focus in this tight, 2-hour edit. King Lear stars Bricolage Production Company’s Co-Founders Jeffrey Carpenter and Tami Dixon alongside a stellar local cast.
May 10 – June 2, 2019
Carrie Blast Furnaces
This performance has passed.
Act 1 is staged in the shadow of the Carrie Deer, an iconic sculpture created from materials sourced onsite by the Industrial Arts Co-op in the late 1990s. Responding to nature’s resurgence in this post-industrial space neglected in the aftermath of the collapsed steel industry, these guerilla artists included Jeffrey Carpenter (playing Lear) and Tim Kaulen. An intermission walk takes the audience to seating in the Iron Garden for Act 2, where native plants and concrete relics evoke ancient Britain. In the twilight of a stone-ringed clearing, the audience intimately experiences the king’s exile and madness.
We are proud to partner with Superior Motors, Braddock’s premiere restaurant helmed by Chef Kevin Sousa. To further your support of Quantum Theatre, make your preshow dinner reservation there, show them your King Lear ticket email, and Quantum Theatre will receive a donated portion of your total bill. Use OpenTable to make your reservation.
Present your program at Goodfellas in Braddock after the show and receive a special discount – Buy One Drink, Get One Drink FREE.